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Two collected works by Ursula K. Le Guin

I recently finished The Language of the Night and The Found and the Lost: The Collected Novellas of Ursula K. Le Guin. The Language of the Night is an assembly of UKLG’s speeches and essays about fantasy, science fiction, and writing.1 This version of the essays was updated with notes that Le Guin made on […]

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The kitchen

The kitchen is the center of embodied life. Here I fix my coffee in a quiet morning before I tackle translating some Greek. I water my plants and watch my children play in the backyard. Boys sit at the bar and create, or learn to chop vegetables and make cookies. I talk to close friends […]

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The Meaning of Singleness book not-review

I’d like to start writing a paragraph or two about each book as I finish reading it. First up-The Meaning of Singleness by Danielle Treweek. Last night, I finally finished The Meaning of Singleness by Danielle Treweek. She is an Australian and an Anglican who wrote her Ph.D dissertation on singleness. That dissertation became this […]

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I finished my MDiv

Earlier this month, my husband and I flew to California and I walked across the stage at Fuller Theological Seminary’s commencement. I had wrapped up classes a week earlier and felt profoundly grateful that the timeline had worked out where I finished right before graduation. The ceremony brought a closure and a celebration to all […]

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Lynchburg Favorites

I can walk out my door, cross two neighborhood roads, walk down the edge of a neighbor’s yard and be on the edge of Camp Kum-Ba-Yah, 50 acres of woods and trails between the main road and the elementary school. If there is anything that makes me feel like I live in a fairy tale, […]

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Not my job

A few weeks ago, I walked out of the podcast studio at church where we had finished recording both audio and video and greeted a woman who would be in the next recording. She was wearing a cute black dress and her hair was long and flowy. She was stunning and I joked that she […]

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Seeing God at work

I’ve spent three hours every weekday afternoon for the past two weeks participating in a seminary intensive. The class is Missional Churches and Leadership and we’ve spent roughly an hour of each class period dwelling in certain passages of Scripture. We’ve read it aloud twice and then read it alone and then moved on to […]

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