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Letting curiosity steer fall transitions

These past few weeks have reminded me of Christmas break. We’ve been cramming in fun things because summer break is almost over. Routine and rhythm have flown out the window. A big transition is looming but it’s not quite here yet. I’ve been preparing by making lists and trying to mark things off. My brain […]

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Interpreting the commands of Scripture

In Sunday’s newsletter, I compiled a list of the commands relating to how we treat “one another” in the body of Christ. When it released, I promptly received an email asking how I interpreted the verses that command us to greet one another with a holy kiss. I’m going to do a little digging before […]

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Life Lately (or what about everyday work?)

In the Helena Sorenson interview , she mentioned that sometime a “do this every day” mentality doesn’t work as well for women. While I’m always hesitant to apply something essentially immeasurable to a large group of people, it has been a balm for me recently as I haven’t written here in a week.  My writing […]

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Food I’m loving

Over the summer, food has been incredible. I’ve always loved food. I like to get my hands in dough, wait for flavors combine in a marinade, and watch heat transform ingredients. I also love to eat. For some reason, lately, food has been more exceptional than usual. I don’t have an explanation for it, so […]

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What is holiness?

I’m reading in Leviticus, which can be alternately mind-numbing and fascinating, and found myself wading through the “laws of holiness” as my CSB Bible describes it in chapter 19. The people of God were to be holy, or set apart, because God is holy. He is distinct from all else that exists and His people […]

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A year later

On July 13, 2021, I woke up on an air mattress in a mostly empty house, having slept poorly from nerves and from the children also sleeping poorly on air mattresses. We ate breakfast and loaded the few remaining belongings, which somehow barely fit, into the vehicles. Our cat Albus was in a crate nestled […]

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A move to Substack

Yesterday, I worked for several hours and moved my newsletter to Substack. I exported and imported mailing lists, copied and pasted and edited recent content when the import form didn’t work, made graphics, and wrote an “about” page. For months, I’ve been considering what to do about Instagram and if I needed it for the […]

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