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Seminary Notes 11

Yesterday, I printed out Hebrew alphabet practice sheets. Today I took them to work and scribbled strange markings during lunch. The alef bet quiz will be our first and I am making steady progress. I’m awed at getting to learn a language that is so ancient and still used. I’m apprehensive because I know how […]

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The Rings of Power: 3 & 4

I watched Episode 4 of The Rings of Power last Friday and have been able to gauge my excitement by how often I’ve been bummed that the next episode doesn’t release until Friday. It’s been a minute since I’ve watched a show that isn’t all available to stream. Again, this post is going to involve […]

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What I’m into right now

Reading: Anna Karenina. I’m 600 pages into this 800 page book and I’m determined to finish it before classes start on the 26th. I am really enjoying the story and curious how it is going to end. It’s not the same kind of enjoyment as I got from Cloud Cuckoo Land or Project Hail Mary […]

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The Rings of Power

Last night, I finished the second episode of The Rings of Power, a new Amazon Prime show based on the work of J.R.R. Tolkien. It’s a prequel to The Lord of the Rings and I’ve been waiting all summer to watch it. Episode 4 comes out on Friday so I’m scurrying to catch up and […]

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Two thoughts from Deuteronomy 31

One: the format I’m almost to the end of Deuteronomy. Moses is wrapping up his speeches to the people and gives a command for the law to be read aloud every seven years at the time of the debt cancellation. Every seven years, everyone was to assemble to hear the law. They were to learn […]

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Digital Planning: an update

Earlier this summer, I started using Google calendar for my calendar/planner instead of the paper planner that I’ve used for years. As much as I prefer a paper copy of almost anything, I’m trying to make best use of the tools I have. I’m using Google drive more: my Substack content calendar is there instead […]

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How to evaluate theology

There are some interpretations of theology that can be tolerated, or even seem great,  when life is going well (complementarianism can be one of them). But we should not evaluate our theology on the basis of “does this work when life is great?” We have to instead ask “does this work when life is everything […]

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