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Artist Dates

The last week of December, I went to investigate the price of The Artist’s Way. To my surprise, Amazon told me that I had already bought the kindle version of the book so I re-downloaded the Kindle app on my phone and read the book. I probably won’t do morning pages. I have robust morning […]

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Rock, paper, scissors landed on scissors

Lately, I’ve been asking myself, “do I actually have to do this?” over and over. If the answer even gives up a whiff of “no,” I’m investigating all the ways that I can let it go.  (Now we’re both singing the song.)  There are approximately three categories I’m saying “yes” to starting in mid-December. Between […]

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Shoes solve the problem

From noon Friday to noon Saturday I take a sabbath. I don’t work on Hebrew. I don’t write for the newsletter. I don’t do homework, answer anything but the most urgent of emails, or deep clean the house. I do frequently watch something with Justin once the boys are in bed.  A couple weeks ago, […]

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The Rings of Power: 7 & 8

As the season wrapped up, I took notes on my phone during episode 7 as I’ve done the whole season, but, for the finale, I put my phone away and just watched. The season ended on a high note for me, and I’m very much looking forward to the release of season 2 sometime next […]

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Hebrew Study

Guttural syllables start and endin my throat as I practice,covering my desk with vowel chartsand flashcards, rules for each.But in the hands of the learnedyou ancient tongue breathe song and story:treading across the centuries and milesof desert and time unending.Who spoke your words? What girl whispered the grammarand drew letters in the dirtoutside the circle […]

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The Rings of Power: 5 & 6

The story is starting to come around for me, friends. Instead of just being intrigued, I’m on the edge of my seat.  Galadriel I am finally liking Galadriel’s character. I’ve struggled a lot with her but maybe she is simply at her best when she is protecting and fighting and waiting for people to decide […]

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A new metric

This year, I am in my car more than I have been since we moved. I don’t particularly enjoy driving; it feels like a waste of time. I can’t do any work but I’m not resting either. Nevertheless, depending on if it’s a day I go to the church office or not, I spend between […]

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