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How to Speak Truth over Your Laundry + a playlist

Last week I found myself drowning in laundry: piles to fold, piles to wash, more in the washer and dryer. There were children constantly needing correction (for the same thing as the day before!), dinner to make, and oh look, the rug needed vacuumed again. That’s when I decided there was no point and I […]

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How to Get to Church with Small Children

No doubt that mamas of littles need the spiritual food and adult companionship that can be found in attending a good church. But sometimes getting there can be so hard, especially if you ever have to go by yourself with the children. Today I’m going to share a few ways that I make this process […]

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That New Baby Life: What I’m Enjoying Now

Luke is almost three weeks old now! In some ways it feels like he’s always been here and then I realize it’s only been a handful of days. Here are a few things that I’m enjoying in this postpartum season. Reading Wild and Free by Jess Connolly and Hayley Morgan: This book is one of […]

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There Will Be Days

My baby was ten days old Monday. He lost his umbilical cord stump but I didn’t notice until the two-year-old repeated, “fell off?” while pointing at his belly button. There is much less time to sit and observe this baby and that’s what my heart longs to do more than with the previous three. When […]

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A Promise for New Motherhood

The postpartum season can be hard. Since this is our fourth baby I have picked up on a few things that help me weather this stage without going crazy. Maybe you aren’t anticipating a new baby right now but I bet you have a friend that is. Send it over to her if you think […]

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Dear Last Month of Pregnancy

I was 36 weeks pregnant yesterday. We’re at the point where I could almost have a baby anytime or it could be a month before I have a baby. I don’t know which. I’ve tried to convince the child to send me an email with 48- hey, I’d take 24!- hours notice on when he […]

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6 Simple Life-Giving Refreshments

We’re counting down the last few weeks of this pregnancy and it’s going by fast or slow, depending on something random that I have no control over. We could have a baby any day (not literally probably) or we might never have a baby (also not literally). But we are passing our days, just carrying […]

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