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How to Find Your Mama Community

Occasionally motherhood makes me feel like a crazy person. I’m often convinced that I’m the only woman in the world who has ever felt the way I do about my children until another mom says, “Oh no, I definitely feel that way too.” It’s doubly confirming when it’s coming from a mom with almost grown […]

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Episode 65: Establishing a Life after Moving

This week, Phylicia and I are discussing a topic brought up at the podcast meetup we hosted in December. How do you acclimate to a new life after you move? Moving changes your whole life and it can take a while to find your footing. Also, we had some sound issues with this recording and while we […]

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Happy Valentine’s Day!

I’ve never been big into Valentine’s Day but this year I want to try a little bit harder to celebrate smaller holidays with my family. No fancy parties, no decorations, just little tweaks to our daily routines that recognize a special date on the calendar. When I sat down to plan this month’s blog content, […]

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Q+A Mini Episode 9

This week, Phy and I are answering a commonly asked questions: how did we meet? It’s a fun story that didn’t involve meeting in person until December of 2016. The internet can be a lovely place, friends!

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9 Project Ideas

Lately I’ve gotten quite a few questions about project ideas and how I fit in time to do projects. This post won’t address both of those topics but I’m going to tackle a list of project ideas if you are looking for some inspiration for March. Or April or May or- you get the idea. […]

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5 Things I’d Tell You: Pregnancy Edition

I love going out for coffee with friends, especially if I can sneak out once the boys are in bed or while they are working on a project with my husband. There’s nothing like sipping a drink or eating a brownie while discussing the best and hardest parts of life. And since I was 20 […]

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Episode 64: How to Enjoy Motherhood

Inspired by this article, Phylicia and I are discussing how to enjoy being a mom. Motherhood is hard and it’s a gift from God and that dichotomy often needs an attack plan in our daily lives. Have the right perspective. Motherhood is work. Sally Clarkson Heidi St. John Have systems. How I teach my babies […]

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