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It’s God’s Voice: From Kitchen Sink to Church Platform

I love to sing. Springtime is the season where I serenade our neighbors from our kitchen with Disney songs and the Sound of Music soundtrack while my boys play on the back porch. But singing in front of people by myself is a little more nerve-wracking. A few months ago our worship pastor asked me […]

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Sending Him Out: When the Husband Isn’t Home

I’m always joking with friends that my husband’s work schedule and service opportunities would be much nicer for me if I didn’t like him. If I didn’t like him, I wouldn’t care if he was at home. It’s not that he doesn’t balance his work/family time, he does. It’s not that I don’t get more […]

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Q+A Mini Episode 11

This week Phylicia and I are tackling a sensitive subject surrounding the topic of infertility. We delve into being open and honest with friends, letting them guide where the relationship goes, and following God’s call for our own families while being compassionate toward others.

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Misery Is Not Your Destiny: Tips for Thriving as a Mama

Last week I read the most depressing piece on motherhood I’ve ever been exposed to. I was sad and a little angry and I sent it to a friend who assured me that was how motherhood was often represented in our culture. This thought has since been validated by a handful of friends and I […]

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The Motherhood Game-Changer

Ever stumble on something that kinda changes your life? You don’t know that it’s going to- you start something because it’s the right thing to do- and before you know it’s happening  you have a completely different perspective. I’ve been reading through Psalms before bed and I kept coming across this phrase “sacrifices of thanksgiving.” […]

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Episode 67: Going Deeper in Friendships

Today, we’re tackling the next episode in our friendship series and discussing both how to prepare your heart for deeper friendships as well as how to keep the bonds of those friendships strong. We women long for friendships but in so many seasons of life they seem beyond our grasp. Preparing your heart You won’t […]

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